Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
- thierry
- Sur le Plan
- Messages : 305
- Enregistré le : mardi 07 déc. 2010 14:54
- Localisation : En route vers l'orient
Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
J'ai reçu ce matin le CV d'un Pilote Français de Netjets qui annonce que tous les Cpt Français et Belges étaient licenciés !!!!!!!!!
Quelqu'un à des nouvelles ?
Quelqu'un à des nouvelles ?
Abonné au gaz
- kingair200
- Fondateur - RIP
- Messages : 2553
- Enregistré le : jeudi 09 févr. 2006 21:16
- kingair200
- Fondateur - RIP
- Messages : 2553
- Enregistré le : jeudi 09 févr. 2006 21:16
Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
Dear Colleagues,
As you are all aware, NetJets Europe has over the last few years faced unprecedented market conditions.
The prolonged downturn in the economy has led to a fall in demand for business aviation. In the circumstances, we have had to look at whatever steps we can take to control and reduce our own costs to safeguard the competitiveness of our business.
Currently, we employ 780 pilots of whom 529 are pilots-in-command (PICs) and 251 are seconds-in-command (SICs). Our assessment is that, whilst we do not have any excess of SICs (and they are not therefore affected by this proposal), we need to reduce the total number of PICs by 128.
In addressing this matter, we have to take account of another issue facing the business which is a significant change in European social security regulations. As you are aware from previous communications, the current position is that under EU law the UK system of social security contributions applies to crew employed by NetJets Management Limited (NJML). However, a new European regulation that has come into force now affects the social security regime applicable to crew based upon the country in which their gateway is located. We estimate that based on current crew levels and social security rates, these changes will cost the business an additional 6.3m Euros per year in employer contributions.
If the necessary reduction in the number of PICs cannot be achieved through voluntary redundancy, then the proposal is to select PICs for compulsory redundancy based first on the employer social security rates of their gateway country and secondly, where employees have gateways in the same country, by reference to their salary costs. Therefore, French and Belgian gateway PIC's will be first to go. It is proposed that PICs who are made compulsorily redundant would receive their contractual notice and a redundancy payment calculated in accordance with UK law but not any enhanced severance package.
As you are all aware, NetJets Europe has over the last few years faced unprecedented market conditions.
The prolonged downturn in the economy has led to a fall in demand for business aviation. In the circumstances, we have had to look at whatever steps we can take to control and reduce our own costs to safeguard the competitiveness of our business.
Currently, we employ 780 pilots of whom 529 are pilots-in-command (PICs) and 251 are seconds-in-command (SICs). Our assessment is that, whilst we do not have any excess of SICs (and they are not therefore affected by this proposal), we need to reduce the total number of PICs by 128.
In addressing this matter, we have to take account of another issue facing the business which is a significant change in European social security regulations. As you are aware from previous communications, the current position is that under EU law the UK system of social security contributions applies to crew employed by NetJets Management Limited (NJML). However, a new European regulation that has come into force now affects the social security regime applicable to crew based upon the country in which their gateway is located. We estimate that based on current crew levels and social security rates, these changes will cost the business an additional 6.3m Euros per year in employer contributions.
If the necessary reduction in the number of PICs cannot be achieved through voluntary redundancy, then the proposal is to select PICs for compulsory redundancy based first on the employer social security rates of their gateway country and secondly, where employees have gateways in the same country, by reference to their salary costs. Therefore, French and Belgian gateway PIC's will be first to go. It is proposed that PICs who are made compulsorily redundant would receive their contractual notice and a redundancy payment calculated in accordance with UK law but not any enhanced severance package.

- thierry
- Sur le Plan
- Messages : 305
- Enregistré le : mardi 07 déc. 2010 14:54
- Localisation : En route vers l'orient
Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
C'est incroyable !!!!!!! , si j'ai bien compris , c'est clairement parce que les charges sociales Belges et Françaises sont trop élevées qu'ils sont virés ?
Je ne sais pas depuis quand cette annonce à été faite , mais je suis surpris qu'aucun média n'en ait parlé ? Du côté du SNPL , c'est silence complet !!!!!
Quand je pense que les crânes chauves Européens sont réunis pour parler de l' Europe sociale ?????? , c'est vraiment mal barré et cela prouve qu'entre la réalité économique et les espoirs des candidats il y a deux mondes qui ne sont pas prêts de se rencontrer
Je ne sais pas depuis quand cette annonce à été faite , mais je suis surpris qu'aucun média n'en ait parlé ? Du côté du SNPL , c'est silence complet !!!!!

Quand je pense que les crânes chauves Européens sont réunis pour parler de l' Europe sociale ?????? , c'est vraiment mal barré et cela prouve qu'entre la réalité économique et les espoirs des candidats il y a deux mondes qui ne sont pas prêts de se rencontrer

Abonné au gaz
- Sur le Plan
- Messages : 1033
- Enregistré le : mardi 19 déc. 2006 14:39
- Localisation : LFFF
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Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
Triste pour ces pilotes français , Le SNPL les connait-il ? (Pourtant certains doivent cotiser.....)
- Christophe_O
- Sur le Plan
- Messages : 381
- Enregistré le : mercredi 22 févr. 2006 9:11
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Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
En revanche, que les syndicats soient muets, c'est pas anormal sur ce coup là....
N'est-ce pas eux qui ont obtenu, à gros coups de grêves, que les postes basés en France des compagnies étrangères soit couvert par des contrats français?
(Je ne suis pas sûr que la réciproques soit valable, est-ce que les personnels AF basés en Afrique ont des contrats africains?)
Si toutes les compagnies étrangères qui volent en France font de même, ça va être chaud chaud chaud....
Ceci étant, c'était largement prévisible, mais bon, les générateurs de nuisances (ie grêves) ont toujours gain de cause en France....
Les salariés apprécieront le ... comment dit-on déjà .... ah oui: la protection des acquis sociaux ........ (enfin, de ceux des syndicalistes surtout....)
N'est-ce pas eux qui ont obtenu, à gros coups de grêves, que les postes basés en France des compagnies étrangères soit couvert par des contrats français?
(Je ne suis pas sûr que la réciproques soit valable, est-ce que les personnels AF basés en Afrique ont des contrats africains?)
Si toutes les compagnies étrangères qui volent en France font de même, ça va être chaud chaud chaud....
Ceci étant, c'était largement prévisible, mais bon, les générateurs de nuisances (ie grêves) ont toujours gain de cause en France....
Les salariés apprécieront le ... comment dit-on déjà .... ah oui: la protection des acquis sociaux ........ (enfin, de ceux des syndicalistes surtout....)
- thierry
- Sur le Plan
- Messages : 305
- Enregistré le : mardi 07 déc. 2010 14:54
- Localisation : En route vers l'orient
Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
C'est étonnant de voir qu'il n'y a aucune réaction de la part des pilotes Français de Netjets ? Il n'y en a aucun sur ce site ?????
En plus ça va déstabiliser l'aviation d'affaire et surtout il va y avoir beaucoup de jeunes copis , prêts à passer Cpt qui vont devoir encore attendre . Bien sur ces pilotes vont venir enrichir la diaspora des pilotes Français qui volent à l'étranger et qui ne cotisent ni à la Sécu , ni a la caisse de retraite et encore moins aux ASSEDIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
En plus ça va déstabiliser l'aviation d'affaire et surtout il va y avoir beaucoup de jeunes copis , prêts à passer Cpt qui vont devoir encore attendre . Bien sur ces pilotes vont venir enrichir la diaspora des pilotes Français qui volent à l'étranger et qui ne cotisent ni à la Sécu , ni a la caisse de retraite et encore moins aux ASSEDIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abonné au gaz
- Christophe_O
- Sur le Plan
- Messages : 381
- Enregistré le : mercredi 22 févr. 2006 9:11
- Contact :
- kingair200
- Fondateur - RIP
- Messages : 2553
- Enregistré le : jeudi 09 févr. 2006 21:16
Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
As you are all aware, NetJets Europe has over the last few years faced unprecedented market conditions.
The prolonged downturn in the economy has led to a fall in demand generally for business aviation. In the circumstances, we have had to look at whatever steps we can take to control and reduce our own costs to safeguard the competitiveness of our business.
We have already implemented a comprehensive set of measures to reduce and control costs. Both the Voluntary Options and the more recent Voluntary Separation programme sought to minimise impact on pilots as far as possible and were initiated in good faith to avoid having to terminate employment on the grounds of redundancy, in the hope that in due course the economy would pick up.
As the Voluntary Options programme comes to an end within the next 15 months and following the final swap of most crew members to their job share year on, we have had to look again at the number of pilots we employ and compare this with anticipated demand.
Last year, when we launched the Voluntary Separation programme, we informed you that our forecasts indicated that at the end of the Voluntary Options programme, the probability was that we would still have too many pilots when compared with likely flight demand. The Voluntary Separation programme was therefore intended to help address this. Although the offer of voluntary separation was taken up by 152 employees, unfortunately, in the light of continued lower flight demand, this was not sufficient to address the issue of over-capacity of pilots. We expect that trading conditions across Europe will remain fragile and, based on our current forecasts, we do not expect to see a return to the levels of demand that would require our present crewing levels for several years. In the circumstances, it is critical for the future of the business that we take steps now to address this issue.
Currently, we employ 780 pilots of whom 529 are pilots-in-command (PICs) and 251 are seconds-in-command (SICs). Our assessment is that, whilst we do not have any excess of SICs (and they are not therefore affected by this proposal), we need to reduce the total number of PICs by 128.
In addressing this matter, we have to take account of another issue facing the business which is a significant change in European social security regulations. As you are aware from previous communications, the current position is that under EU law the UK system of social security contributions applies to crew employed by NetJets Management Limited (NJML). However, a new European regulation that has come into force now affects the social security regime applicable to crew based upon the country in which their gateway is located. We estimate that based on current crew levels and social security rates, these changes will cost the business an additional €6.3m per year in employer contributions.
In light of the position outlined above, we have formulated proposals to address the issues we face as a business. Unfortunately these proposals would involve job losses. These proposals are subject to consultation with employee representatives to be elected by the affected employees.
Our proposal is to reduce the number of PICs employed by NJML from 529 to 401, i.e. a reduction of 128.
If possible, we would like to avoid the need to make any compulsory redundancies. We therefore propose to offer voluntary redundancy to PICs with gateways in the six countries with the highest employer social security rates. These are listed below in descending order (i.e. of the six countries France has the highest rate and Hungary the lowest):
Number of PICs with gateways in that country as at 5 October 2012
Czech Republic
* PICs with Basel and Geneva gateways have been included in the total number of PICs with gateways in France and will be given the opportunity to opt for voluntary redundancy. Further clarification is required from the authorities regarding the treatment for social security purposes of PICs with these gateways before we can confirm whether or not such PICs would be included in any compulsory redundancy exercise.
PICs with gateways in these countries will under the proposal have the option to leave with a one-off compensation payment equivalent to 15 months’ base salary (less applicable tax and social security payments) regardless of seniority. This sum will include any individual notice pay and redundancy payment entitlements but, clearly, will be well in excess of the value of those entitlements.
If the necessary reduction in the number of PICs cannot be achieved through voluntary redundancy, then the proposal is to select PICs for compulsory redundancy based first on the employer social security rates of their gateway country and secondly, where employees have gateways in the same country, by reference to their salary costs. It is proposed that PICs who are made compulsorily redundant would receive their contractual notice and a redundancy payment calculated in accordance with UK law but not any enhanced severance package.
In addition to the proposals outlined above, we have decided that, while gateways in the following countries will remain open for PICs and SICs already operating from those gateways, they will be closed to new moves:
Czech Republic
A revised gateway policy reflecting these changes will be circulated to all crew members today and comes into force with immediate effect.
From today all permanent gateway moves will be suspended for the duration of the consultation period.
Consultation and Election of Employee Representatives
As stated above, these proposals are subject to consultation with employee representatives to be elected by PICs with gateways in France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Sweden, Italy and Hungary.
Details of the main functions of these representatives can be found at: The role of employee representatives | Business Link.
The company therefore invites PICs to elect:
• two representatives for PICs with gateways in France (the France Constituency);
• two representatives for PICs with gateways in Belgium (the Belgium Constituency); and
• two representatives for PICs with gateways in Czech Republic, Sweden, Italy and Hungary (the Third Constituency).
As a PIC with a gateway in one of the relevant countries, you are entitled to nominate an individual for election as an employee representative. You may nominate yourself or any other PIC with a gateway in the same constituency as yourself. For example, PICs with gateways in France can only nominate themselves or any other PIC with a gateway in France. PICs in the Czech Republic may nominate themselves or any other PIC with a gateway in the Czech Republic, Sweden, Italy or Hungary.
Your nominee must be an employee of NJML. Please also check that your nominee is willing to stand as a candidate for election.
Employee representatives will serve until the end of the consultation process which is anticipated to last until 31 January 2013. It is anticipated that the first meeting with employee representatives will take place on 31 October 2012 and that subsequent meetings may take place at regular intervals thereafter.
If you wish to nominate yourself or someone else for election, please complete the nomination form (at the end of this email and attached) and return it to Carla Pombeiro by e-mail at by 12pm Lisbon time on 12 October 2012. In the case of a nomination of a colleague, your form must be accompanied by an email from the nominee agreeing to stand for election. Nomination forms received after this date will not be considered.
If more nominations are received than the number of vacancies, then a secret ballot will be arranged to elect employee representatives. Each PIC in a constituency will be entitled to two votes. The ballot will be conducted by Electoral Reform Services (an independent body) in order to ensure fairness, accuracy and confidentiality.
If you have any questions in relation to the proposals set out above or the consultation process, please send them by email to I have also attached answers to some FAQs for your information.
I appreciate that the announcement of these proposals is likely to cause significant concern and great uncertainty. As soon as the representatives have been elected we will commence detailed consultation with them and in addition we will keep you informed of developments throughout the consultation process. In the meantime, I would ask you to continue to focus on delivering to our customers the highest standards of safety and service.
Chief Operating Officer
T+351 21 446 5032
F+351 21 446 9049
M+351 91 721 7774
Discover the Bombardier Global 6000,
the new flagship of the NetJets fleet.
NetJets Europe | Enjoy Fractional Jet Ownership
Dark Master is offline Report Post Reply
The prolonged downturn in the economy has led to a fall in demand generally for business aviation. In the circumstances, we have had to look at whatever steps we can take to control and reduce our own costs to safeguard the competitiveness of our business.
We have already implemented a comprehensive set of measures to reduce and control costs. Both the Voluntary Options and the more recent Voluntary Separation programme sought to minimise impact on pilots as far as possible and were initiated in good faith to avoid having to terminate employment on the grounds of redundancy, in the hope that in due course the economy would pick up.
As the Voluntary Options programme comes to an end within the next 15 months and following the final swap of most crew members to their job share year on, we have had to look again at the number of pilots we employ and compare this with anticipated demand.
Last year, when we launched the Voluntary Separation programme, we informed you that our forecasts indicated that at the end of the Voluntary Options programme, the probability was that we would still have too many pilots when compared with likely flight demand. The Voluntary Separation programme was therefore intended to help address this. Although the offer of voluntary separation was taken up by 152 employees, unfortunately, in the light of continued lower flight demand, this was not sufficient to address the issue of over-capacity of pilots. We expect that trading conditions across Europe will remain fragile and, based on our current forecasts, we do not expect to see a return to the levels of demand that would require our present crewing levels for several years. In the circumstances, it is critical for the future of the business that we take steps now to address this issue.
Currently, we employ 780 pilots of whom 529 are pilots-in-command (PICs) and 251 are seconds-in-command (SICs). Our assessment is that, whilst we do not have any excess of SICs (and they are not therefore affected by this proposal), we need to reduce the total number of PICs by 128.
In addressing this matter, we have to take account of another issue facing the business which is a significant change in European social security regulations. As you are aware from previous communications, the current position is that under EU law the UK system of social security contributions applies to crew employed by NetJets Management Limited (NJML). However, a new European regulation that has come into force now affects the social security regime applicable to crew based upon the country in which their gateway is located. We estimate that based on current crew levels and social security rates, these changes will cost the business an additional €6.3m per year in employer contributions.
In light of the position outlined above, we have formulated proposals to address the issues we face as a business. Unfortunately these proposals would involve job losses. These proposals are subject to consultation with employee representatives to be elected by the affected employees.
Our proposal is to reduce the number of PICs employed by NJML from 529 to 401, i.e. a reduction of 128.
If possible, we would like to avoid the need to make any compulsory redundancies. We therefore propose to offer voluntary redundancy to PICs with gateways in the six countries with the highest employer social security rates. These are listed below in descending order (i.e. of the six countries France has the highest rate and Hungary the lowest):
Number of PICs with gateways in that country as at 5 October 2012
Czech Republic
* PICs with Basel and Geneva gateways have been included in the total number of PICs with gateways in France and will be given the opportunity to opt for voluntary redundancy. Further clarification is required from the authorities regarding the treatment for social security purposes of PICs with these gateways before we can confirm whether or not such PICs would be included in any compulsory redundancy exercise.
PICs with gateways in these countries will under the proposal have the option to leave with a one-off compensation payment equivalent to 15 months’ base salary (less applicable tax and social security payments) regardless of seniority. This sum will include any individual notice pay and redundancy payment entitlements but, clearly, will be well in excess of the value of those entitlements.
If the necessary reduction in the number of PICs cannot be achieved through voluntary redundancy, then the proposal is to select PICs for compulsory redundancy based first on the employer social security rates of their gateway country and secondly, where employees have gateways in the same country, by reference to their salary costs. It is proposed that PICs who are made compulsorily redundant would receive their contractual notice and a redundancy payment calculated in accordance with UK law but not any enhanced severance package.
In addition to the proposals outlined above, we have decided that, while gateways in the following countries will remain open for PICs and SICs already operating from those gateways, they will be closed to new moves:
Czech Republic
A revised gateway policy reflecting these changes will be circulated to all crew members today and comes into force with immediate effect.
From today all permanent gateway moves will be suspended for the duration of the consultation period.
Consultation and Election of Employee Representatives
As stated above, these proposals are subject to consultation with employee representatives to be elected by PICs with gateways in France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Sweden, Italy and Hungary.
Details of the main functions of these representatives can be found at: The role of employee representatives | Business Link.
The company therefore invites PICs to elect:
• two representatives for PICs with gateways in France (the France Constituency);
• two representatives for PICs with gateways in Belgium (the Belgium Constituency); and
• two representatives for PICs with gateways in Czech Republic, Sweden, Italy and Hungary (the Third Constituency).
As a PIC with a gateway in one of the relevant countries, you are entitled to nominate an individual for election as an employee representative. You may nominate yourself or any other PIC with a gateway in the same constituency as yourself. For example, PICs with gateways in France can only nominate themselves or any other PIC with a gateway in France. PICs in the Czech Republic may nominate themselves or any other PIC with a gateway in the Czech Republic, Sweden, Italy or Hungary.
Your nominee must be an employee of NJML. Please also check that your nominee is willing to stand as a candidate for election.
Employee representatives will serve until the end of the consultation process which is anticipated to last until 31 January 2013. It is anticipated that the first meeting with employee representatives will take place on 31 October 2012 and that subsequent meetings may take place at regular intervals thereafter.
If you wish to nominate yourself or someone else for election, please complete the nomination form (at the end of this email and attached) and return it to Carla Pombeiro by e-mail at by 12pm Lisbon time on 12 October 2012. In the case of a nomination of a colleague, your form must be accompanied by an email from the nominee agreeing to stand for election. Nomination forms received after this date will not be considered.
If more nominations are received than the number of vacancies, then a secret ballot will be arranged to elect employee representatives. Each PIC in a constituency will be entitled to two votes. The ballot will be conducted by Electoral Reform Services (an independent body) in order to ensure fairness, accuracy and confidentiality.
If you have any questions in relation to the proposals set out above or the consultation process, please send them by email to I have also attached answers to some FAQs for your information.
I appreciate that the announcement of these proposals is likely to cause significant concern and great uncertainty. As soon as the representatives have been elected we will commence detailed consultation with them and in addition we will keep you informed of developments throughout the consultation process. In the meantime, I would ask you to continue to focus on delivering to our customers the highest standards of safety and service.
Chief Operating Officer
T+351 21 446 5032
F+351 21 446 9049
M+351 91 721 7774
Discover the Bombardier Global 6000,
the new flagship of the NetJets fleet.
NetJets Europe | Enjoy Fractional Jet Ownership
Dark Master is offline Report Post Reply

Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi cela concerne seulement les CDB. Pourquoi pas les OPL français ? A moins qu'ils veuillent remplacer les anciens CDB français par les actuels OPL français sur une grille plus "légère" ?
Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
A mon avis il y aurait moyen de jouer (plaider) la discrimination sur la nationalité, certes basée sur une disparité de charges sociales, mais quand même une discrimination sur la nationalité. A voir peut être avec la cour de justice de l'union européenne?
- kingair200
- Fondateur - RIP
- Messages : 2553
- Enregistré le : jeudi 09 févr. 2006 21:16
Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
Il y a même des grandes chances qu'ils gagnent devant la cour de justice mais la procédure risque de durer des années !

- Sur le Plan
- Messages : 1033
- Enregistré le : mardi 19 déc. 2006 14:39
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Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
Les CDB licenciés ont-ils eu des propositions de baisse de salaire ? - (Ce qui voudrait présager une refonte des grilles - et pour les OPL passage CDB avec grilles plus basses 

- kingair200
- Fondateur - RIP
- Messages : 2553
- Enregistré le : jeudi 09 févr. 2006 21:16
Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
Il se peut aussi que ce soit une réponse de Netjets quand les Français les Belges et certains autres ont essayé de faire un syndicat interne ? Mais je pense qu'un membre du forum est bien au courant de ça ! Si il veut en parler !

- thierry
- Sur le Plan
- Messages : 305
- Enregistré le : mardi 07 déc. 2010 14:54
- Localisation : En route vers l'orient
Re: Situation des pilotes Belges et Français ?????
Oui, j'ai entendu parler de cette histoire de syndicat ??? On ne pourra jamais savoir si cette raison est intervenu dans le choix du licenciement . par contre le motif réel et sérieux du licenciement n'est le fait qu'ils soient Français , c'est que les charges sociales sont nettements plus élevées en France qu'ailleurs , ce qui dans un cadre industriel justifie , le choix à qualité egale du licenciement des Belges et des Français.
Je viens d'apprendre ce matin que Eastern Union viens d'embaucher un Cpt G550 , qui doit quitter Netjets dans deux mois et qui a accepter un salaire très bas du fait qu'il va bénéficier d'une indemnité de départ , de sa couverture sociale pendant au moins deux ans et surtout de son indemnité de chômage .Comme il va avoir un salaire off shore , pour lui ce sera tout bénéf !!!!
Je viens d'apprendre ce matin que Eastern Union viens d'embaucher un Cpt G550 , qui doit quitter Netjets dans deux mois et qui a accepter un salaire très bas du fait qu'il va bénéficier d'une indemnité de départ , de sa couverture sociale pendant au moins deux ans et surtout de son indemnité de chômage .Comme il va avoir un salaire off shore , pour lui ce sera tout bénéf !!!!
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